Sejarah Desa
Sejarah berdirinya desa Wirun adalah pada zaman Majapahit. Saat itu ada seorang perempuan bernama Lasiah atau biasa dipanggil dengan nama nenek Ndhawik. Saat itu Lasiah sedang mencari seseorang bernama Citra Bangsa Lan Rante Wulung, Citra Bangsa juga sedang membuka hutan di kawasan kematian.
Citra Bangsa telah merusak hutan Itu diberi nama Hutan Mojorembun, Dinamakan Majarembun karena pohon Maja ditemukan di hutan tersebut pada zaman Majapahit. Desa Mojorembun masih satu desa dengan desa Wirun. setelah berkeliling mencari Citra Bangsa dan menemukannya di Mojoremban, ia pun melihat hutan di pinggir hutan tempat penembakan Citra Bangsa.
Pada saat penjelajahan hutan, Lasiah juga menggali sumur di tengah sawah, dan dipinggir sumur terdapat pohon ase yang sudah sangat tua dan sampai saat ini sumur dan asem tersebut masih ada. Sumur tersebut dinamakan sumur sawah, karena letaknya yang berada di tengah-tengah sawah. Meski sumur dibuat dan tidak disemen, namun air di dalam sumur tetap jernih dan tidak pernah meluap. Air di sumur itu juga tidak asin seperti sumur-sumur lain di desa itu. Banyak sekali masyarakat yang datang untuk minum, dan yang datang ke sumur tersebut tidak hanya masyarakat Desa Wirun saja namun juga dari desa tetangga. Sumur itu adalah warisannya. Dan dekat sumur itu ada Lasiah yang di Makamkan.
Desa tersebut diberi nama desa Wirun karena pada saat itu Lasiah pandai menembak. Karena kepintaran miru jarik maka desa tersebut diberi nama desa wirun.
Where does it come from?
The history of the founding of Wirun village dates back to the Majapahit era. At that time there was a woman named Lasiah or usually called Ndhawik's grandmother. At that time Lasiah was looking for someone named Citra Bangsa Lan Rante Wulung, Citra Bangsa was also clearing the forest in the death area.
The image of the Nation has damaged the forest. It was named Mojorembun Forest, named Majarembun because Maja trees were found in the forest during the Majapahit era. Mojorembun village is still the same village as Wirun village. After going around looking for Citra Bangsa and finding it in Mojoremban, he saw the forest on the edge of the forest where Citra Bangsa was shot.
While exploring the forest, Lasiah also dug a well in the middle of the rice fields, and at the edge of the well there was a very old ase tree and to this day the well and asem are still there. The well is called a rice field well, because it is located in the middle of a rice field. Even though the well is made and not cemented, the water in the well remains clear and never overflows. The water in the well is also not salty like other wells in the village. Lots of people came to drink, and those who came to the well were not only the people of Wirun Village but also from neighboring villages. The well is his legacy. And near the well there is Lasiah who is buried.
The village was named Wirun village because at that time Lasiah was good at shooting. Because of Miru Jarik's intelligence, the village was named Wirun Village.